Good to be Back

We’ve been busy building a new home for all the stories & anecdotes that have made our soccer great for centuries. You’ll be a part of it too.

Welcome back.

Although the rest of the world may think U.S. soccer is in its infancy, our story with the beautiful game spans nearly two centuries. So to follow in that tradition, we’ve taken this offseason to work on reintroducing our newsletter for all those who – almost to a fault – cherish and revere soccer on our shores today. Together, we’ll explore our continent’s grand soccer story – buried events, current gems, forgotten trailblazers, puzzling anecdotes, timely profile interviews, and more. Our goal is to help you dive into the past, present, and future of North American soccer and become a champion of that priceless 150-plus-year-old soccer narrative. 

We’ll be starting our weekly email this Tuesday, so keep an eye out for our first edition coming tomorrow. By being part of this channel, you’ll also be the first to hear about our limited product drops, upcoming stories, exclusive events, and other exciting projects we’ve got planned for 2024. Here are some helpful tips to make sure you stay in the loop.

Gmail: Click and drag this message to the primary tab of your inbox. On your phone,

tap on the three dots on the top right corner of your screen, and click move to primary.

Apple: Add our contact to your "VIP" list.

More info to come on @clubeleven later this morning, but for now, thank you for joining us. We can’t wait to dive in tomorrow. See you on Tuesday.